The Telecommunicators Are Out There

In this challenging hiring environment, managers have become focused on how to fine-tune their recruitment process to attract the highest caliber employee.

Swatting: A Deadly Trend

Swatting is a prank call made to an ECC intending to have an emergency response team dispatched to a particular location. The dangerous pranks are a risk to first responders and the public, but there are warning signs telecommunicators can look out for.

Overcoming Adversity in Public Safety Communications

A global pandemic and one of the tightest job markets in history have left ECCs much like the Continental Army — underfunded, understaffed and facing seemingly overwhelming challenges that threaten their chances for success. It is times like these that call for bold thinking and unwavering leadership.

A Preview of the APCO 2022 Cutting Edge Developments Track

This year’s Cutting Edge track will feature discussions on emerging technologies for 9-1-1 location, using GIS solutions for public safety and emergency response, digital tools for streamlining recruitment and hiring, and leveraging 5G and cloud-based capabilities to enhance public safety, among other topics.

CPRA Welcomes You to Southern California

The Southern California Chapter of APCO (The California Public-Safety Radio Association) is hosting APCO 2022 in Anaheim, bringing together thousands of public safety professionals from across the nation and across the world to share, research and explore the many facets of public safety communications.

Anaheim, Calif., Hosts APCO 2022

[Originally published in the July/August 2022 PSC magazine.] By Tina Chaffin The varied sights and sounds of Southern California will greet APCO International’s Annual Conference & Expo participants. The APCO Annual Conference & Expo will be held August 7-10 in Anaheim, California, about 30 miles southeast of Los Angeles in beautiful Orange County. Anaheim is […]

Rediscover the Human Beneath the Headset

In my opinion, a compassionate telecommunicator is a solid foundation for an effective one. And the sooner we can each rediscover what makes us all the same deep down, the sooner we can grasp that we aren’t really that different from our callers.

Silent Key: Mark David Pallans

Mark David Pallans, 78, a life member and senior member of APCO, died October 18. He lived in North Las Vegas, Nevada, and was born in Astoria, New York. At the time of his death, Pallans was an active member of APCO’s spectrum committees, the Editorial Committee and the Professional Development Events Committee.

San Antonio Hosts APCO 2021

Located in south-central Texas, where Interstate 10 meets Interstate 35, San Antonio is a city of 1.5 million, rich with history and culture. The popular tourist destination in Bexar (pronounced “bear”) County offers various restaurants, shops, amusement parks, live music, theater and outdoor activities.

A Preview of the APCO 2021 Cutting Edge Developments Track

Every year, APCO’s Government Relations Office curates the Cutting Edge Developments track for APCO’s Annual Conference and Expo. This track provides attendees with opportunities to learn about the latest issues and technologies that impact public safety communications.