Life Membership is APCO’s highest membership honor. The following APCO Members have made a significant contribution APCO’s objectives at the national level. These Life Members have either served a full term as President of APCO International or have maintained membership for 15 or more years and contributed at least five major accomplishments to the betterment of the association.

Life Members

Jim Acosta
Carol Adams
Bill Agee
Cory Ahrens
Karen Allen
Alan Armitage
Gregory Ballentine
James Barr
Angela Batey
Robert Batts
James Beutelspacher
Joe Blair
James Blesso
Sheila Blevins
Ralph Blount
Richard Boettcher
J.R. "Jake" Bowers
C Bowles
Thera Bradshaw
Robert Brooking
Bob (Robert) Brown
RoxAnn Brown
David Buchanan
Kimberly Burdick
George Burton
Herschel Calvert
Desi Calzada
Frank Campbell
Jerry Campbell
Pat Carriveau
Bill Carrow
Martha Carter
Willis Carter
Tom Catino
J. Wesley Chupp
David Clemons
Norman Coltri
Frederic Crowder
Henry Crutcher
Jack Daniel
Richard DeMello
Clarence Dengler
Edwin Densteadt
Stephen Devine
Frank Devine
David Diamond
Lynn Diebold
Holly Downs
Floyd Duell
Harry Duncan
Natalia Duran
Nancy Dzoba
Max Elliott
Charles English
Ero Erickson
R. James Evans
Faith Evers
Elmer Eymann
Lynne Feller
Brent Finster
Chris Fischer
Carl Fisher
Charlene Fisk
Bernard Flood
William Folske
Linda Ford
Peggy Fouts
Paul Franklin
Barry Furey
Debbie Gailbreath
Anthony Gain
Lyle Gallagher
Joseph Gallelli
Ernest Gallo
William Gamble
Sam Gargaro
Woody Glover
Richard Granado
Gary David Gray
Cheryl Greathouse
Jay Groce
Carl Guse
Robert Hajek
Weldon Hale
Wray Hall
Patricia Hall
Terry Hall
Joe Hanna
Thomas Hanson
Tony Harrison
Stanly Harter
Dan Hawkins
Clegg Helms
Rick Hessinger
Tracey Hilburn
Jimmie Hocutt
Michael Hogan
Anna Holmes
Frank Huggins
Phyllis Hull
Alan Hull
Carrie Jackson
John W Johnson
Craig Jorgensen
Pat Joy
Kevin Kearns
John Keating
Ken Keim
Bill Keller
Glen King
Joseph Kittner
Jorman Koski
Ernest Landreville
Arthur Lane
John Lane
Alan Lannier
William Lee
Brent Lee
Gill Lineberry
Fred Link
Paul Linnee
Barry Luke
Vic Machin
Michael Mangini
Kenneth Mann
Roger Martin
Robert Marz
Paul Mayer
Garrett Mayer
Irving McAndrew
Nonie McCandless
Wanda McCarley
Nathan McClure
John McCormick
John McCue
Art McDole
Harlin McEwen
J. Rhett McMillian
Brower McMurphy
Joseph McNeil
Mary Messamore
Taylor Mieure
Donald Miller
Richard L Miller
William Miller
Richard Mirgon
R.I. "Cuba" Morris
Ross Morris
Kenneth Mott
Margie Moulin
Jo-Anne Munroe
George Murray
Glen Nash
Joseph Nasser
Becky Neugent
Daniel Noble
Kim Ostin
Mark Pallans
Joseph Parrino
Vaughn Parry
Gary Perkins
Don Pfohl
Elizabeth Phillips
Nancy Pollock
John Powell
Steven Proctor
Richard Quantz
James "Ronnie" Rand
Emery Reynolds
Richard Reynolds
I. Otto Rhoades
Henry Richter
Gregory Riddle
Julie Righter Dove
Russell Robinson
Richard Roley
Donald Root
Ricky Rowell
Helen Rushing
Alexis Rutter
Richard Rybicki
David Saffel
Paul Salter
Robert Schlieman
John Simmons
Eddie Simon
Gigi Smith
Sanford Smith
Thomas Sorley
Steve Souder
N. Arthur Sowle
Adriana Spirescu
Vincent Stile
Matthew Stillwell
David Swan
Robert Tall
Quinn Tamm
Charles Taylor
Peter Thomas
Frank Thomason
Fred Thompson
Preston Thomson
Robin Tieman
Mildred Tirapelle
Marshall Treado
Joe Trowbridge
Jeffrey Vannais
Jack Varnado
Charles Venske
Emil Vogel
Frank Walker
Marilyn Ward
Herbert Wareing
Holly Wayt
Bud Wenke
Terry Whitham
William Whiting
Don Whitney
Maureen Will
Walter Williams
Barry Woodward
John Wright
John Wyckoff
Claire Yeager
Kenneth Yoder
Joseph Yurman

* Denotes deceased Member