AFC is APCO’s spectrum management arm, providing comprehensive radio frequency coordination for public safety agencies. With the most experienced staff and the largest network of volunteer experts, AFC is the only organization that provides full radio frequency management services for public safety agencies.

New AFC Courses Available
APCO, in partnership with IWA Technical Services, Inc., is offering two new courses this spring. These courses use state-of-the-art test equipment and cover the areas that today’s land mobile radio communications technician / engineer in the public safety or business / commercial communications field will encounter.
General Communications Technician Level 1
April 28 – 30, 2025 | 24 CDEs
Line Antenna Sweep
May 1 – 2, 2025 | 16 CDEs
Both courses will be presented live at the APCO Headquarters in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Important Notice: 6 GHz Interference Reporting
The FCC has permitted new unlicensed use of the 6 GHz band that may cause interference to public safety 6 GHz microwave receivers. APCO strongly recommends that any public safety agency experiencing interference to their 6 GHz implementations promptly report any interference to the FCC, using the FCC’s Public Safety Interference Complaint Form.
Additionality, and as part of APCO’s ongoing efforts to advocate on your behalf for stronger FCC rules to protect your 6 GHz microwave links, we ask public safety licensees to share information about the 6 GHz interference with APCO by clicking the link below and filling out a brief questionnaire.
APCO requests this information with the intent to promote dialogue and convince the FCC and other stakeholders to take the threat of interference to 6 GHz public safety systems more seriously. APCO recommends reporting parties work with their vendor and engineering teams to mitigate any identified interference at 6 GHz.
Buildout Notification
APCO can prepare and submit your FCC buildout/first use notification (Schedule K) without needing a ULS password for Part 90 and 101 licenses.
4.9 GHz Band: FCC Announces Deadline to Update Licensing Data
On December 9, 2024, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a Public Notice announcing that all 4.9 GHz public safety licensees must update their granular licensing data in the Universal Licensing System (ULS) by June 9, 2025. This granular data will be licensed under two new license types (PB and PF) and will replace the existing PA licenses, which will be cancelled automatically after June 9, 2025. APCO-AFC is available to assist you with this process.

Free Webinar: Part 90 FCC Licensing From A to Z
The webinar covers FCC licensing procedures to include navigating the FCC’s Universal Licensing System (ULS), the form 601 and pertinent Part 90 FCC rules. It also covers some of the most common obstacles encountered with frequency coordination, such as safe harbor limitations, waiver requests and letters of concurrence.

APCO Issues Updated Technical Bulletin Regarding Potential Interference to 6 GHz Microwave Systems
On October 19, the Federal Communications Commission adopted rules to expand unlicensed use of the 6 GHz band. The newly-permitted devices present an additional interference risk to public safety 6 GHz systems on top of previously-authorized devices. Despite cautions from APCO and others, the FCC did not require testing in advance, ensure effective measures are in place to prevent interference, or adopt measures to quickly detect, identify, and eliminate interference when it occurs.
To support public safety agencies using 6 GHz, APCO issued a Technical Bulletin, refreshing a related 2022 bulletin to provide information about the nature of the threat and recommendations for agencies to prepare for the increasingly uncertain spectrum environment.

File Application
The APCO Licensing Service offers full-service licensing preparation with a staff experienced in application preparation and processing, FCC Universal Licensing policies and procedures, FCC licensing, knowledge of FCC Rules and Regulations, and the coordination process.
APCO uses a computer program called Spectrumwatch to process FCC 601 radio license applications and submit them to the FCC. Get step-by-step instructions to help you setup a free account with Spectrumwatch, navigate the system, and submit your FCC 601 application to APCO.
AFC Services
Our professional full-time staff has experience in application preparation and processing, licensing, FCC Rules and Regulations, and the coordination process, and can provide you with full-service licensing preparation.
License Management
Get peace of mind when you have AFC review your license for compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations, ensure adherence to future FCC changes and provide support for time sensitive requirements.
Frequency Coordination
As an FCC-certified coordinator, APCO AFC can help you apply for, or modify, the license required to operate a two-way radio system.
We have the tools to help you determine the specific availability of spectrum, analyze the potential for interference, locate an acceptable frequency, and face other engineering challenges.
Microwave Radio
APCO Offers frequency coordination, FCC licensing, frequency protection, FAA studies and FCC tower registration and engineering services for microwave radio systems.
Interference Reporting
If you are a public safety licensee experiencing interference, submit a compliance request report to APCO, the FCC’s point of contact for interference below 512 MHz.

Email AFC or call (386) 322-2500 for more information about any AFC services.
We are devoted to providing full-service licensing, coordination and engineering services and will follow through on your requests from beginning to end, keeping you informed all along the way.