Sensible Improvements Aimed at Ensuring That ECCs Receive Actionable Location Information
Locating 9-1-1 callers presents a challenge for emergency communications centers, especially for indoor locations. In recent years, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has revised the location accuracy rules for wireless 9-1-1 calls and multi-line telephone systems. APCO has advocated for sensible improvements aimed at ensuring that ECCs receive actionable location information.
From the TabletopX Blog

News About Location Accuracy
Aligning APCO’s Advocacy Priorities With Our Members’ Needs
Back in January, we posted a blog outlining our top legislative and regulatory priorities for 2021. Now that we are six months into the year, and with APCO’s Annual Conference right around the corner, we’re writing to reflect on the “why” behind our advocacy. APCO is driven by the needs of its public safety membership.
President’s Channel: APCO’s Fight for Better 9-1-1 Location Information
If you’ve been following the latest news about the FCC and 9-1-1 location accuracy, you know that 9-1-1 public safety communications suffered one of the most disappointing rule changes to come out of the FCC in recent memory. In the lead-up to the FCC’s action, APCO was very vocal that the FCC wasn’t doing what’s best for 9-1-1.
Nationwide Wireless Carriers Must Do Better on 9-1-1 Location
APCO International filed comments today with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) expressing strong disapproval of a 9-1-1 vertical location accuracy proposal submitted by CTIA on behalf of the nationwide wireless carriers.
9-1-1 Location Accuracy Critical to Industry
One of the most talked-about topics and heavily attended sessions during last week’s APCO International Conference & Expo concerned the issue of 9-1-1 location accuracy, and its potential impact on public safety.
APCO Applauds FCC Action to Improve 9-1-1 Location Accuracy
Today, APCO International welcomed the adoption of new rules by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that will ensure emergency responders have the information they need to find 9-1-1 callers.
Closing the 9-1-1 Location Accuracy Gap
Closing the gap in wireless indoor location accuracy is one of the highest-priority issues for the FCC. With the public’s help, we will achieve a good result that strengthens the 9-1-1 safety net for all Americans.
APCO Files Comments on Value of Location Accuracy Roadmap
Roadmap sets course for achieving a dispatchable location for 9-1-1.
APCO Applauds Commission’s Actions to Improve 9-1-1 Reliability and Ensure Public Safety Values are Preserved in the Technology Transition
Today, the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) launched two proceedings related to the provision of 9-1-1 services.
FCC Signals Support, Issues Public Notice on APCO, NENA, Carriers Location Accuracy Plan
Since last Friday’s bulletin notifying you of APCO’s success in joining with NENA to reach a landmark consensus plan with the nation’s four largest carriers to improve wireless 9-1-1 location accuracy for both indoor and outdoor calls, we have made significant progress.
Governmental Proceedings
Calls Made From Multi-line Telephone Systems and Other Technologies
In August 2019, the Commission adopted rules implementing two federal laws that strengthen emergency calling: Kari’s Law and Section 506 of RAY BAUM’S Act. Kari’s Law requires direct 9-1-1 dialing and notification capabilities in multi-line telephone systems (MLTS), typically found in office buildings, campuses, and hotels. Under Section 506 of RAY BAUM’S Act, the Commission adopted rules to ensure that “dispatchable location” is conveyed with 9-1-1 calls to dispatch centers, regardless of platform, including 9-1-1 calls from MLTS.