From Paper to E9-1-1 to NG9-1-1 and Beyond
The public safety communications industry has changed drastically since APCO was founded in 1935. ECC staff must now be knowledgeable about cutting edge technologies — not only how they work but how they will impact their ECCs and the community they serve.

Get a copy of APCO Internationals Definitive Guide to Next Generation 9-1-1, published August 8, 2022.
Next Generation 9‑1‑1
Next Generation 9‑1‑1 (NG9-1-1) is a secure, nationwide, interoperable, standards-based, all-IP emergency communications infrastructure enabling end-to-end transmission of all types of data, including voice and multimedia communications from the public to an emergency communications center.
This section seeks to assist APCO members in identifying and mitigating the risks from cybersecurity incidents. Our primary focus is to provide information that should assist with detecting, analyzing, and responding to incidents.
In the emergency services realm, interoperability is critical to initial response and emergency services of all types. While ECCs are generally able to transfer basic voice 9-1-1 calls to neighboring ECCs, they often cannot share other types of communications and data important for emergency response.