Tuesday, August 27 | 1:00 p.m. ET
Free for everyone
Public safety spectrum for communications is divided and assigned across the spectral landscape. Some bands can be coordinated and assigned exclusively to agencies and their users and other bands are historically coordinated on a “shared” basis by all users. The CAPRAD database was created in 2002 specifically to serve as a coordination database and tool for RPCs for the implementation of 700 MHz public safety spectrum. Each RPC developed a plan for their respective region to best meet their user’s needs. This webinar will focus on how CAPRAD provides the support RPC’s need as well as allowing for sharing of applications and their status between and across disparate RPC’s. The webinar will also highlight how one state utilizes CAPRAD to coordinate the use of their 700 MHz State Geographic License at each of the other states that they border, states of which also use the same geographic use spectrum.
Additionally, RPC’s have been able to utilize CAPRAD for helping them coordinate National Public Safety Planning Advisory Committee (NPSPAC) 800 MHz spectrum throughout their region as well. The CAPRAD database allows for real time editing for all RPC based 700 and 800 MHz channel allocations as applicants apply for channels in each respective region. APCO International, through a grant from the US Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate, continues to support the maintenance and funding for the CAPRAD database as part of its ongoing CAPRAD and RPC support.

This webinar will discuss and explore features of the CAPRAD database; Regional Planning Committee responsibilities and capabilities; RPC adjacent region/state approval process; RPC managed spectrum approval process; and more.
Scott Bigham, Chair, Region 24 700, and 800 MHz Regional Planning Committees
Stephen Devine, Chief Technology Officer, APCO International
To receive your one CDE credit, enter this webinar into Training Central under My Classes Taken > Add Continuing Education.