Flight School for Communications Training Officers

Sunday, August 6, 2023 | 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Patrice Coleman, Metropolitan Nashville Department of Emergency Communications

Do you believe that training new hires is a one size fits all, or have you given thought to the granular level of the training process? Do you become frustrated, or do you flourish while actively training? Whatever your answer may be, these topics and more were discussed in the ‘Flight School for CTOs’ session.

The session was presented by the training and quality assurance manager for Metropolitan Nashville Department of Emergency Communications, with the insight of providing leadership for eight (8) training academies in two years.  The speaker presented how the training process is analyzed and applied from the perspective of taking flight and attendees gained insight on how CTOs contribute to retention or resignation. This session was meant to spark a self-reflection process regarding attendees’ effectiveness as a CTO.

The session included information to assist attendees in training during all phases of a trainee’s on-the-job experience. It included participant interactions and presented a process that will yield positive results when applied. In closing, the attendees were encouraged to remember, “In learning, you will teach, and in teaching, you will learn.” (Phil Collins.)

Submitted by: Patrice Coleman, RPL, ENP