From the Console to the Cabana: Retirement Planning 101

During this session, Christopher Martin discussed ways telecommunicators can plan for retirement. When should you begin saving for retirement? The answer is now because time is money. Regardless of your ability to contribute to your retirement account, any contribution is better than none.

Look for creative ways you can save for your future. For example, can you contribute your overtime compensation to a deferred savings plan? If you receive a raise, can you increase your retirement contribution before adjusting to the pay increase? As you save, continually evaluate what factors will affect how much money you need to retire. For example, are you willing to retire if your mortgage is not paid in full? Are you willing to work part-time? Can you retire and continue to financially support dependents?

You know the ins and outs of your emergency communications center, but the ins and outs of retirement may be confusing. If that’s the case, work with a financial advisor who can help you get from your console to your cabana.

By Aleisha Rucker-Wright