Wednesday, August 7, 2024 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Patrice Coleman, MBA, CPE, ENP, RPL, CMCP
I give Culture, the Movie, a “PG” (promoting growth) rating. The speaker shared how leadership from Nashville’s Department of Emergency Communications Center transformed their culture over the last four years with a switch-up to traditional movie ratings.
The presentation was engaging, from rated “G” (gossipy), to rated “R” (rigid), to rated “NC” (near collapse), and the three acts in how you make your organizational movie. The session explored behaviors that “bend, break, and better” a culture, with the optimal goal of achieving a rating of “PG.” From emotional intelligence to policies and procedures, to uniforms, to having conversations about life topics (financial and professional attire), leaders have a responsibility to ensure a thriving and safe culture for the organization. Additionally, all levels within an organization have a responsibility to exhibit behaviors that result in a safe culture.
One key takeaway from the presenter was about remaining an authentic you as a leader, regardless of the room in which you may be. As a leader, you have to know when to exit if the culture is to reprimand or discipline first instead of building up by coaching and educating team members. Finally, there was a closing highlight to the session with a video from Nashville’s team members, including Director Steve Martini. The video gave the attendees some insight into what rated “PG” resembles in an organization and how an organizational culture thrives.